Thank you for choosing the 3000 Image Mega Pack from Nova Development. Your user manual will answer most of the questions you'll have about using the images, as well as provide an index of the clip art categories on this CD-ROM.
Prior to using the software, you'll need to run the STARTUP.EXE program inside the 3000IMGS folder. Of course, all of the clip art will remain on the CD-ROM, but the installation program will enable you to use the image catalogs by copying certain required files to your hard drive.
Under Windows 3.1, choose the run command from the Program Manager's File menu. Then, assuming your CD-ROM drive is Drive D, type d:\3000imgs\startup.exe. If you are running Windows 95, choose the Run command from the Start button. Then, assuming your CD-ROM drive is Drive D, type d:\3000imgs\startup.exe.
NOTE: In order to use the images once the software is installed, you will need to have the 3000 Image Mega Pack CD-ROM in the drive.
For details on installing the software, please see the user manual.
The 3,000 images in the 3000 Image Mega Pack are represented in several image catalogs, organized by category.
To open a catalog, choose Kudo Catalog Reader from the Kudo Catalog Reader item on the Start menu's Programs command. Once run, choose the Open command from the Kudo Catalog Reader's file menu and locate and open the desired catalog. Specifically, select the drive letter that corresponds to your CD-ROM drive. Then open the catalogs directory and open the catalog.
A few tips about using the 3000 Image Mega Pack's catalogs:
- Each image is shown as a "thumbnail" (i.e., a miniaturized representation of the larger image). To see the image at its actual size, just choose the Display Original command from the Image menu or press <CTRL-E>.
- Some thumbnails may show only part of the image, depending upon the video standard you are using, or substitute colors.
- The clip art images are provided in .WMF format.
- When the size of an image is reduced in a word processing or desktop publishing program, the lines that make up that image become thinner both on-screen and in print.
You can drag a clip art image out of a browser and drop it into any OLE 2.0-compliant word processing, graphics or desktop publishing program (including Microsoft Word and Corel Draw).
Note that you must first select the thumbnail by clicking it and then drag it into the program.
Thanks again for choosing the 3000 Image Mega Pack. We're here to help if you have questions. Please feel free to call Nova technical support at (818) 591-9600. Or visit us on the Internet at
Thank you for using Kudo Catalog Reader for Windows. You have chosen the
best image and multimedia management tool available for Windows. We appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have that would help us provide the best product and service possible. You can find more current information by visitngour Web Site at
Kudo Catalog Reader is a Windows 3.x application that will run under Windows 3.1, 3.11, Windows for Workgroups 3.1, 3.11, Windows NT, and Windows 95. With Windows 95 and NT, Kudo Catalog Reader will not install OLE files into the system directory; Windows 95 and NT has it own advanced OLE file system.
Long file names are not supported by Kudo yet; although you can view and place images from a long file name directory as long as the truncation of the paths and file names are unqiue.
Relative Relative Addressing allows anyone with a Reader
Addressing: to access images or media files if the media files are in the same directory as the catalog or in the same path with a different drive letter.
For example, if the CDROM drive letter changed from D: to L:, Kudo
Cataloger Reader ( Image Cataloger ) will locate the media file and
display it or play it! The same applies to placing images.
Product Support:
For technical information on the use of these catalogs, please refer to the
manufacturer or vendor of your catalog(s) for support.